creating a new life

Hi everyone!

As many of you know from reading my last blog i have had a couple relapses on both crystal meth and fentanyl. I still am struggling to stay clean for a long period of time howeveer i am happy to announce that i have been on soboxon now for just under a cpl of months and that has made such a positive impact ion my life. I am so much more brighter and happier. i feel free and alive, i sleep way less as i have energy i have also joined the gym and have been excersising everyday which makes me feel so good, i cant explain it.

I have been creating the life i deserve, the life which makes me feel happy and make me feel hopeful and feel as if i have accomplished. something each day.

just before i got better, i got worse, and police took me to hospital and i fought them and obviosuly they faught back and when they did that i was able to snap out of my episode, plus the fact that my relationship with my partner was declining. i faught hard to keep the relationship going. So after i almost overdosed on opiods i got on soboxon.

soboxon has changed my life completely. Im much more happy, i have hope finally, and feel free, and feel like i can accomplish whatever i choose to accomplish. i feel unstoppable. ive been out of hospital for three months and feeling great. i will continue to change my life and fight for what i believe in and want.

the question is…will you take the staps to get better? . .

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